Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This is all so true ......

So where have i been?

Its been a LONG time. I have since gone to Thailand and Singapore, come back with endless packets of goodies and clothes and life has appeared to get ahead of me! Well i suppose there is no point in blabbering and making excuses ~ but to merely crack on with my blog and updates!

So ..... here we go ....

Our new house is looking amazing! We have done so much and working hard on the garden! I have the most wonderful veggie garden that anyone could dream for ~ it truly is wonderful thanks to my husband's hard work :-) We busy building a boundary wall, planting lots and generally all round busy at home!

I got a new car ~ her name is Tobie - A BMW X1 Silver! She is just so wonderful! I am really enjoying driving her! :-)

We have been cycling a lot and competing in races! They have been great! Really have a fantastic vibe to it! We competed last weekend in a technical and challenging race in the wind but we did it! I was the 5th female to cross the finish line! Super chuffed about that! This weekend we are competing in the MTB Challenge... looking forward to it all! Then 5 - 7 August we are off to compete in the 2011 Storms River Traverse Race! (More to come on that)

Here's a picture of me competing at Knysna ~

That's all for now! I'll return soon! :-)