Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year - 2011

Happy New Year to all! 
May 2011 be a successful, happy, fun and amazing year! 
I am looking forward to it with lots of new goals and missions! 


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Awesomeness :-)

Well what can i say ~ Christmas was magical and fantastical! Started my long weekend off with Lunch at Melissa's with Rach and "Chow" followed by Church in the evening and a Dinner with Jason's family. (Some of them) 
My new mountain bike ~ serioulsy the "bomb"!

Christmas day was splendid! Woke up to open presents and boy oh boy did i get SO spoilt! I got so many things i was so overwhelmed i forgot to open some of my gifts! Chow spoilt me ~ WOW ~ things from Crabtree and Evelyn, Woolies, Readers Warehouse vouchers, running/cycling wear and a whole lot of cycling goodies and a new Mountain bike! I was so OVERWHELMED! SOO SOOO over the moon!!! 

I got some lovely gifts from my parents and J's as well as great ones from friends! Truly was spoilt this year! :-) 

We headed off after our scrumpous lunch to Vermont for the night with Chow's family! Was a great evening and came home the evening of boxing day! 

Yesterday was spent pottering around at home followed by a walk and cycle and a braai with Rach and my parents! 

Working half days this week ~ so am just about off now to go and buy some thread so that i can start sewing my dress together ~ can't wait to finish it! It's all tacked and ready for the machine! Also want to test my new wheels down the single tracks later!

In Vermont for Christmas evening and walked Gamba, Cammy's dog on Sunday morning!

Off now to have a fabulous afternoon! 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Friday and Merry Christmas

I am SO excited today i could POP! It's Christmas EVE and Christmas Day tomorrow! YaY! SO SO SO much festivities and yummy goodies! No diet, just merely eating and drinking! 

I am featured in a blog ~ with my Christmas Bikkies that i made. Take a look at lanalou stlye's blog here. Her blog is lovely and so informative, featuring beautiful decor! 

Also take a look at this blog ~ there is some beautiful Christmas decor! It's so elegant and tasteful! 


This image is take from this blog ~ take a look at some of the lovely Christmas decor!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hi ho cherry ho :-)

Well there are 2 nights to go and then it's Christmas! You know i cannot beleive it's here! Really . . . time has just flown! I can remember this time last year clearly before Christmas and here it is AGAIN! Just shows you how valuable time is and that you really need to live life to the fullest and appreciate everything and everyone who is in your life! 

I'm off for a good run now to finsih the day! And will be at work tomorrow for half day and then off to get some goodies for Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas day! 

So, so exciting! Really looking forward to it all and also a slight change this year being in Vermont for Christmas evening and Boxing Day.... should be cool! 


This is classic .......

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2011 GOALS

Whilst sitting here i am thinking about my goals for 2011 and what i would like to accomplish. 2010 was a successful year for me and i got a lot done and reached a lot too. 

Goals in the pipeline . . . 

  • cycle the Cape Argus road race within 5 hours
  • run the 10km trail race at the Two Oceans 
  • successfully show jump with Jimmy ~ be brave to do this! 
  • read more books ~ make the time for this
  • become a successful dressmaker for myself ~ improve and become a 'pro' sewer
  • worry less about what people think, and live my life the way i want to live it 
  • try to do everything 101 % 

Monday, December 20, 2010


Fab evening at Kirstenbosch carols ~ really it was!
We went to Kirstenbosch carols last night and what a vibe there was ~ It was amazing! I felt the festivities in the air and enjoyed every moment! Here is a photo from last night ~ yes we are munching on carrots but i can tell you ~ we sure had our fair share of Quality Streets, mince pies and other goodies! It was so good to have a mince pie (first one so far this Christmas - have to keep it to a minimum! Been working too hard to throw everything away!)


The colour for 2011

I was just reading the Womans Health Online Magazine and came across this: 

"2010 was all about turquoise, but 2011 is all about vibrant pink! Pantone have announced their colour for 2011 – and it’s called honeysuckle. It’s not yellow as you’d imagine, but it is a gorgeous pinky, orange colour. "

You can see more here

Friday, December 17, 2010

It's the weekend BABY!

It's an absolute glorious day in Cape Town - WOW! Can't wait to get my running shoes on and get out of the office! Unfortunately i cannot say this is my last day at work of 2010, as i'll be working half days right through to 2011! But .... to make me feel better *wink* i'll be going to Thailand and Singapore from 1 May to the 19 May 2011! SUPER EXCITED! 

I'm thinking of either going to watch Spud tonight, or if the weather is still so *amazing*, a lovely walk along the promenade! I'll have to see what the end of the day brings! 

Camps Bay ~ for a cocktail or two? How appealing, but could you imagine all the people!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My horsie

Isn't he just a CUUTIE ?

Quote for today

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." ~ Albert Schweittzer

Sewing and carrot cake - on my mind . . .

Right now i am sitting at work and thinking about my lovely summer dress i am making and what i need to do on it.... i really want it to be finished SOON so that i can wear it and show it off... was also thinking about a little 'branding' for it - thinking a colourful little heart embedded in the one corner at the bottom of the dress? mmMMmmm decisions :-) 

I also want to finally make the carrot cake ~ have had the recipe for so long now and really should attempt it! SO i think i'll be stopping by at Woolies on the way home to get some carroties and get baking! How delightful! 

This morning was a rather busy one ~ up at 6am to ride, then came home and went for a run with Diesel, sorted some things out and then came into work ... where i'll be untill 2h30pm .... 

Going to get my hands on my sewing machine this afternoon :-)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Christmas wishlist

Well . . . "Santa" asked me what i would like for Christmas and please could i compile a list of goodies . . . so i stepped right ahead and made my list .... to my suprise it wasn't pages long *tee hee* 

One of them is this ... 

A WomansHealth Subscription ~ really enjoy this magazine and could quite easily receive one a month ~ thanks Santa!

I'll be there ... will you be there ?

Tonight i'll be at the Neighbour Goods Christmas market! This is one market not to be missed! Great food and a fab vibe! I'll be heading down for some supper and one of these smoothies! Hope the weather holds out . . . 


Monday, December 13, 2010

Feeling the Christmas ' vibe ' yet?

What a wonderful weekend i had! Some shopping at Canal Walk and Christmas shopping is done!!! I am so releived and now just some more wrapping to do them i'm done! Impressive i might say? 

Got a new phone ~ Blackberry Bold - it's pretty cool and smart i must say! Thanks to my babe :-) 

Did some Christmas baking this weekend - star shaped bikkies with pretty coloured balls on - tasty, but could be tastier i recon!?! 

I've broken myself after my cycle yesterday ~ climb up O'Kaaps, back through SIlvermine and down home through Tokai forest! Awesome but gees - a tad exhausting!!

I am so excited about the dress i am busy making! It's coming along so well and all i have to do is have a fitting and put the elastic in the arms and neck and sew it all together - then it's done!!!! Can't wait to wear it!!! Pictures will be posted as soon as it's done! Yipppeee YAY! 

I am off to ride Jim now then for a super duper run! :-) I think i am going to be exhausted!!!

This dashing bicycle is on my mind ~ how lovely to go for a cycle along a country road? Maybe on the Christmas list? Wishful thinking?! I bet it costs an arm in a leg :-)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Arrival of my new book

I ordered the Story Sisters ~ Alice Hoffman about 2 weeks ago and it's finally arrived! I am super excited to start reading! 

I also purchased another book; 29 Gifts ~ Cami Walker 

Diagnosed with MS at age 32, Cami Walker thought her life was over. But when she took up a challenge to give 29 gifts in 29 days, her life started taking off in amazing directions. Sunada reviews 29 Gifts, the remarkable true story of how one woman rose above her debilitating illness — and started a worldwide movement that has inspired thousands to work toward reviving the spirit of giving in the world. 

This book appears to be very inspirational and I am looking forward to starting it. 

Yippee for Friday!

Taken from here ~

Monday, December 6, 2010

I need a 'dollop' of inspiration please . . .

I really should be bouncing about enjoying the festive season and everything going on ....! But right now i am feeling so dull and boring and don't know why! I serioulsy need a huge helping of something called I N S P I R A T I O N!

I think there's no point in moaning about this - ONLY thing to do - is to make a CHANGE right now ..... 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's the 1 DECEMBER 2010 . . . . HO HO HO

Be warned - i adore Christmas time and i love all the decorations that i am seeing about! How i'd love to be in the UK amongst the snow and beautiful Christmas markets *sigh* maybe one day! 

What i would do to go to Hyde Park or Harrods right now..  

Last year i was lucky enough to get a touch of the Christmas spirit whilst in Singapore on honeymoon ... WOW the lights and everything was amazing! This year - Aderley Street will have to do *sigh* (how lame?)

I hope December is a great month, with lots of celebrations and parties! 

I hope the Advent Calenders are ready with the choccies! 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How cute is this?

I think i'd like a cute bunny rabbit! A think maybe it'll go on my Christmis wish list!!! 

How adorable is that??? So so cute :-)

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Bright Start

Can you beleive it's the 1 December 2010 on Wednesday!?! Where has the time gone? I certainly don't know at all! It seems like this year has flown by! 

This week i need to get a few more Christmas goodies and more Christmas cards - totally mis-judged the amount i needed! LoL!

It's a busy week ahead for me - lots to do and places to be at! I am sure it'll all work out and everything will be done! I'm just going to have to 'pace' myslef. . . 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Super-skinny snacks

Womans Health Magazine is a fab magazine! Check it out online and check these super-skinny snacks out...

Peanut butter is a lovely treat for me! Yum Yum!! 

Mr Price's trend flash

Here are some summer trend flashes taken from Mr Price's website. On the right handside ~ i am really liking the floral skirt and pretty peach coloured top! Really pretty and 'girly'!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Chilly Monday

Happy Monday everyone! Hope it's not too b l u e! Mine seems to be ok thus far! Fab ride this morning - nip in the air, but fresh and fab! 

Weekend was busy! Friday night i did some Christmas shopping at Canal Walk, finishing off with the most delicious salad - butternut, beetroot, caramilised pears and a whole lot of other goodies! :-) Saturday was an ealry start - riding 7am followed by hair styling (which i might say was a RIP OFF!) and off to the wedding...  The wedding was super - Kerry looked seriously beautiful with a touch of black lace to her dress - which was so her! Danced the night away! Great food, vibe and people! Sunday i headed off to tea and something sweet with Stu Bug - carrot cake was delicious! Then went to watch the world cup qualifier class ~ show jumping in Hout Bay ~ always blows me away! Completely! Chilled, late afternoon at home finished off with a pizza! I ate SO much crap this weekend - it's not even a joke! So this week i am on starvation for sure! 

Busy week ahead for me - lots to accomplish! Should be a good one! 

Friday, November 19, 2010

YaY for Friday!

It's here - the weekend baby! That's for sure! 

So, i have a wedding tomorrow - a good friend of mine is getting married out Stellenbosch way which i really am looking forward to! I'm wearing a gold/beige laced dress, hair pinned up, with pretty clips - so should look nice (I hope :-) 

Have a styling weekend :-)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I came across this lovely little shop and think you should take a look at it. It's called Quirky Me

It has some fantastic goodies and i think the mirrors are lovely and this bread board is wonderful! 

Isn't this just so lovely? Check out some more designs here

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

a trip in need to READERS WAREHOUSE

I am itching to get my feet into Readers warehouse and hoping it's going to be soon! I have spotted a few books i'd like to buy as Christmas gifts so need to get those and also would like a new book to read! Unfortunately i am a 'sucker' when it comes to going there - i could just buy; no in fact i do,  buy all the books that look fab too me and then can't read them fast enough!! * sigh *

I am nearly done with Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. My view on this book; well um? I think i expected something a little different to what it turned out to be. Nevertheless it was entertaining and i have just about finished it! *Impressive for me, if i can say so myself * 
 Next book in the pipeline: 
~ A Year on Ladybug Farm - Donna Ball ~ 


I got my ELLE mag :-)

Taken from the internet
to be honest this is the first time i think i have ever purchased the ELLE magazine and i am so looking forward to checking it out and to see what it offers! Got the sunnies too - have to take a closer look at them - packaging makes them look different! Gotta check them out later! Exciting :-)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

ALERT: name change

I've decided to change my blog name to lOOpBug stYle - no particular reason as such or meaning behind it but thought it's a little more appropriate than the old name. Afterall this is now my blog - my personal thoughts, updates, etc - not anyone else! 
Taken from Google images search

Blissful weekend ......

My weekend was blissful and rather relaxing! Kitchen tea was fab - with the most yummiest spread of things on display to eat! mmmm Nom Nom :-) Saw someone from school days - who i haven't seen in 9 years! No jokes! 9 years! Was nice to see her and she looks just the same! 

Otherwise relaxed, did some sewing and got my new pattern and fabrics - which is all ready for tonights class! Am super stoked - sewing is going on into Decemeber and starting later, in March next year! So i'll be moving along swiftly with my new dress pattern! YaY! 

Didn't get to the movies - time just flys by - don't know where it goes to! 

On a lighter note - the new ELLE Magazine is out for December and guess what.... ? You score a nice pair of these sunnies!!! I am so on my way to the shops to get it! 

Stylish?From ELLE Magazine website

Friday, November 12, 2010

Work ~ Words of wisdom ~ DR. SEUSS ~ taken from this website

pLaNs FoR tHe WeEkEnD ?

I have a few things planned for this weekend:

~  would like to go see the movie "The social network" 
~ fetch my pattern for my new dress i'm making and choose some lovely material :-) how exciting 
~ kitchen tea Saturday afternoon
~ chilax a bit .... (if possible)
~ visit Starke Aaryes nursery in Mowbray. Apparently they have lovely Christmas goodies out! :-) 
~ friend leaves for the USA on Monday so she's asked me to go to her place on Sunday eve to assist with styling and clothing! LoL :-) Pretty awesome! 

The movie ~ the Social Network
Some cookies and a party to look forward to!

It's arrived . . .

YAY! My beautiful silver heart necklace has arrived! It's so pretty and looks lovely! Super stoked i got it so quickly!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My new purchase ..... soon to arrive!

I am super duper excited about my new purchase i am getting!

how girly and pretty is this? oooh so excited to get it! Mine will be a silver heart though - not gold like this one!
 I must add .... that this is a gift from Jason! He said he'd purchase it for me! Lucky me! 

Monday, November 1, 2010

1st Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday we celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary! I ask myself: "Where has the year gone?" and i still can't answer the question?! 

Time has flown by - it's being an amazing year (yet again). We have been so lucky to accomplish so much and go on a few holidays, including Pumba Game Reserve - where we have just arrived back from. It was an incredible, amazing experience that word's simply cannot explain! It was truly an experience that will never ever be forgotten! I took over 500 photos on my camera and chow took a few too - so there will be lots to follow! 

The reserve can be put into this perspective: 

Reserve = "plush"
Rooms = AMAZING! Romantic and just simply p e r f e c t!!! 
Food = delicious and excellent! 
Service = superb! Really, really superb 
Atmosphere = relaxed, content and chilling
Game drives = amazing (where can you have hot chocolate with giraffes - serioulsy??) 
Company = fantastic :-) 

I'll be sharing some things what we did and saw on the reserve later this week and will upload a photo or 2 :-) 

Watch this space for more on Pumba and the amazing experiences we had! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Right now i am about to POP - literally, no maybe not :-) But you know what i mean! 

Tomorrow morning 11:35am we fly to PE, picked up by transfer and drive 80km to the Pumba Game Reserve!  I am just so super excited to be able to experience a ***** game reserve! FIRST time ever in my life and it's always been somewhere where 'chow' and i wanted to go! And here we are :-) We fly back Sunday evening! 4 nights would have been FAB but we'll settle for 3! LoL! 

So .... on return i'll be updating you all on our experiences and what we saw etc! Camera is fully charged and ready for lots of photies! 

Don't get too jealous now :-) This is where we'll be staying!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thinking interior design ......... ???

I have a lot on my mind at the moment! Things to do, things going on, things to be accomplished, goals to be met - and so i could go on and on ... 

One thing that is on my mind a lot is the fact that our house is officially on the market! Now that's so scary to say that! OMG! So, i'm thinking new things, fresh start, new designs, new colours, textures and a splash of trend! So, i'll be scouting the web and blogs when i have a chance and glancing in home magazines to look at decor that i wish for in the 'oh so near' future!!!! 

lonnymag - this magazine is great to glance through! Such fresh ideas and colours! 

~ take a look at it ~

Oatmeal cookies with sweet potato

I found this recipe and would really like to give it a 'shot'. They sound delicious! I'm a fan of sweet potatoes! 

Taken from this website:
 Take a look at the above website - amazing recipes!


Friday, October 22, 2010

WhAt I HaVe PlAnNeD FoR ThE WeEkEnD ????

I have a few things in mind (and what we are doing) i'd like to do: 
  • some sewing homework
  • go to the Biscuit Mill Market for some yummy tastes and goodies
  • supper at Paranga in Camps Bay on Sat night - with Rach and Cam (Cocktails are gonna rock!) 
  • maybe see a movie
  • tidy up things at home - it's a MESS 
  • get things in order for PUMBA (more to follow on this! Watch this space ........... )
 EnJoY yOuR wEeKeNd 



I'm back after the most amazing time on the Farm, in the Karoo (1 hour from Beaufort West) and F & K's wedding! Parent's loved the farm and we all just had a "ball"! 

I have lots of photies to share (but need to upload them still) as well as stories to share! The wedding was stunning! The venue was a complete gem - a touch of "vintage" to it - really lovely! (Photies to follow... ) My outfit was a great success.... as many said to Jason; "Jy het a mooi meisie en haar (spelling: her??) rok is beautiful!" LoL crack me up! 

Weather didn't really play it's part - well to my satisfaction! Rain - well in 7 years of going to the farm i have never experienced any rain! Needless to say the farmers we grinning and beaming from ear to ear! Maybe 3 days of perfect still sunshine! Managed to play tennis which was fab and lots of farming was done with J's dad! Baby kids too - check the photie out! SO SO cute! 

All in all i am WELL rested from a week of bliss relaxation! :-) 

The cutest little 'kid' about :-)

Friday, October 8, 2010

b E a U t I f U l

I'd love something like this in our house! (Maybe our new one if we get it :-) 

Check out the awesome lights here -

What i'll be wearing to K & F wedding ..............

We're off to the Karoo and will be attending K&F's wedding on 16 October in Graaf Reniet! I'm so looking forward to it! It's going to be a blast! I thought i'd share with you what i'll be wearing - in the summer's heat! They say to expect between 31 - 35 degrees! GREAT! I'll be cooking - literally! 

I'll be wearing: 

~ lovely dress from Chica Loca: check their website out -
~ a beautiful silk scarf with a diamond scarf brotch
~ my bridesmaids gold strappy shoes 
~ my bridesmaids earings 
~ and my hair will be curled by Jason (My fantastic hairdresser!!) 

The dress i'll be wearing is on the left hand side ... pretty and summery

What makes me smile?

I thought i'd share with you what is making me smile at the moment: 
  • My amazing husband ~ he is just gorgeous!
  • There is nothing better than having a nice cup of tea to warm your hands up on a chilly day! 
  • Sunday afternoon horse rides with Lucy ~ out chit chat and gossip sessions! 
  • Thinking of all our holidays coming up ~ starting from Sunday, 10 October! The farm, Franky's wedding, Pumba Game Reserve! HOW AWESOME! 
  • My lovely dog Diesel ~ he is just the sweetest thing around! 
  • All my lovely birthday goodies that i still need to get to and sort out :-) 
  • My bud ~ Cam ~ arrives today from the UK! We off to Moyo in Blouberg tonight! 
  • My new pumps from Mr Prices! I love them! They are SO old fashioned ~ vintage but so in! (Trying to find an image of them :-)
  • And ~ life in general! Be happy, enjoy every moment and live life to the fullest!  

I am really enjoying the whole 'vintage' look at the moment especially after seeing what's out there at the Mr P in Canal Walk! Oh so lovely! :-) 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The movie .............

I can't wait to see this movie but looks like i'm going to have to wait until i get back from our holiday! It's going to be great! I must start reading the book!